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Our Happy Clients!

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This book is a really wonderful teacher. I never knew I could do so much for myself - at ANY moment - just by controlling my breath. Your lungs are much more powerful than you think they are, and you're cheating yourself out of a beautiful relationship with your body by allowing yourself to take short, shallow breaths all day long. Breathe deeply!

Ginny B

“I’ve had 7 hours of sleep! In a row! Why the exclamation points? Because it’s been YEARS since I’ve slept like that. I’m so thankful to Julia for her advice and help! I don’t even have the words! She’s helped me change my life!”

Jodi B

Life with Breath is a must read! I have always worked on my breath during meditation and work outs. Ed has taught me how to incorporate, the most important aspect of our being, into my everyday existence. I find myself navigating through everyday situations with a whole new ease, mostly without any conscious thought. It comes from my breath! I am calmer, more centered and grounded throughout my entire day!

Thank you Ed!


“I have had snoring issues for many years tortured my poor wife. Julia was extremely thorough and professional. After a detailed survey on my part and an office evaluation it was determined that I did not have sleep apnea but only required some strategies that have been extremely successful.”

Robert F